Sunday, July 30, 2006


Every Season: Nicole Nordeman

every evening sky, an invitation to trace the pattern stars
and early in july, celebration for freedom that is ours
and I notice you in childrens games in those who watched them from the shade
every drop of sun is full of fun and wonder you are summer

and even when the trees, have just surrendered to the harvest time
forfeiting their leaves in late September and sending us inside,
still I notice you when change begins and I embace for colder winds
I will offer thanks, for what has been and whats to come you are autumn

and everything in time, and under heaven finally falls asleep

wrapped in blankets white, all creation shivers underneath
and still I notice you, when branches crack and in my breath on frosted glass
even now in death, you open doors for life to enter you are winter

and everything that's new, has bravely survived teaching us to breathe
what was frozen through, is newly purposed turning all things green,
so it is with you and how you make me new, with every seasons change
and so it will be, as you are all creating me summer, autumn, winter, spring

Sigh! So super nostalgic now. I feel like I want to go back to IMU and study again, not because I want to fail etc, but, I miss the way life was. Maybe it wasn't always so happening, nor always extremely happy...yet, it was beautiful. I guess I really don't like transitions nor the change to move out from the comfort zone.

Uncertainties. Changes. Unsettledness. A sense of loss. Having to start back all over again. PLUS the fact that I'm not going to be studying till Jan and thus have nothing to keep me occupied or distract me from feeling melancholic.

I really dislike moving from one place to another and moving out of my room has unsettled me to a certain extend. Coupled with the fact that IMU life has really ended, and the "hope" harboured for so long is really impossible.....makes me want to turn back the clock back. Added with fever from the tetanus jab, all my fears just feel amplified.

A part of me is fearful for what the next phase in life would be. Will depression hit me, will I be lonely in Australia? Can I cope being a "mother" to my sister? Can I cope with the workload in UNSW? Will I find great friends like those I found in IMU? Would I find my niche in serving in Australia, just like how I felt so at home in cf, cg, IMU? Would I start to stray away from God whose presence has been so real to me in IMU? Would I fall into wrong relationships there? Would I lose my sense of calling and purpose; being unwilling to come back to Malaysia if God calls me?

Changes. Changes. Yet a part of me knows it will be exciting and fruitful when changes are surrendered to God. I guess when changes take place, there's no longer familiarity to fall back on anymore, but do or die, to trust in God.

So Lord, haha, here we go! :)

Friday, July 21, 2006

Jumbled thoughts

Exam is over...for good I hope!!

Now that the huge block of exam is over...there's more time to just b-r-e-a-t-h-e.
I guess a time to think, a time to reflect...and a time to "date" God.. (haha, don't laugh...after all isn't He our 1st love?)

Maybe there's too many thoughts and emotions that have been shelved away due to the exam. And yes, while I AM relieved that the exam IS over, suddenly I feel like a whirlpool of thoughts come stiring up in the brain.

Like plans on what to do after the exam...
there's TOO much I want to do, lots and lots of oppurtunities I am thankful for.
I want to really squeeze to the max this time...but there's just too much to choose from
I would love to do research/field work, or hop on board Doulos for 2 months, or go to Australia earlier, or simply go back and spend time with my dear family. PLUS, STUDY for Clinical school (haha this is 1 thing I really need to do...cuz I always end up breaking my resolution and slack like mad).

I would like to take the time to tie up the strings in IMU, like really spend time with the junior girls, ease the cg to transition, do research+mission work (wow, a 2 in 1 combo!)...
yet I really really long to share giggles with my sisters, learn from my father-I really know that following him around in clinic for 2 months would really deepen our bond, lie in the bed and chat with my mum.

I would love to explore Cambodia more with Doulos, yet I also know I want to care for my sisters, to whom no "success" or "adventure" in church/missionary ministry could ever compare to.

Why am I writing this on a blog??? HAHAHA.
I don't know.
Maybe writing helps to put at least a sense of sensibility in the different trains of thoughts arriving at the station of my brain.

Of course, there's the other "problem."
I really don't know why I am still plagued, I truly thought my motives were right. But I guess despite myself, the heart IS deceitful above all things.

But I take comfort in Psalm 19
12 Who can discern his errors? Forgive my hidden faults.
13 Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me.
Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.
14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Lord, I don't know.
I really don't.
I don't come in the confidence of my "faith" or my "zealousness" nor "passion"
I come in doubt, in weakness..

But I know of 1 thing for sure.
That I have a broken heart.
Yet You are the Lord that heals me.

Have Your way.
and I mean it.